Soundscape Experiences
Step back in time and experience the Lakeshore Grounds of yesteryear through an immersive auditory experience. Each soundscape will transport you to a different time period and lead you along a distinct route around the grounds. As you listen, you will be immersed in the sounds and noises of a particular moment in time.
Want to engage from a distance? Try the Watch-from-Home version which pairs the soundscape audio with contemporary and archival images unique to the route and theme.
A Day at the Lakeshore Teachers' College: Welcome to the Lakeshore Teachers' College! In this experience you follow Marie, a fictional student attending the Lakeshore Teachers' College in 1969. Follow the sights and sounds that surround the College as you make your way to class.
Duration: 22 minutes
A Mystery at Humber College: On a break from his classes at Humber College in 1983, Benjamin heads to the shoreline of Lake Ontario for some peace and quiet. Follow along on his quest for answers as he soon finds himself on the trail of something exciting happening on the grounds...
Duration: 33 minutes
Two Perspectives on the Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital: Anthony and Jean are two fictional patients at the former Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital in 1893. Explore the sprawling grounds of the hospital with them, and learn how the institution evolved throughout its history.
Duration: 33 minutes
Option A: The Take-It-With-You Experience
Travel the designated route through the Lakeshore Grounds while you listen to your selected soundscape. You can either stream the audio file directly from this website or pre-download the file to play offline via your preferred media player.
Below you will find an audio file, route map, and transcript for each soundscape.
To Download the Audio File to your Device:
Android users:
a. Click 'Download Single' and then 'Download MP3"
b. Click "Open File" or go to your downloads folder to find it as a zip file
c. Click the file - it should prompt you with an option to "Extract" the audio, click "Extract"
d. Open the file with your regular media player
iOS users:
a. Click 'Download Single' and then 'Download MP3"
b. Click "Open In"
c. Select your chosen media player
A Day at the Lakeshore Teachers' College
A Mystery at Humber College
Two Perspectives on the Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital
Option B: The Watch-From-Home Experience
Follow your selected soundscape remotely! We've paired contemporary route photos with archival images to bring to life each of the soundscapes so that you can travel the designated route through the Lakeshore Grounds from anywhere you choose!
Captions available with all videos. For full transcript, click the PDF file beside the video viewer.
A Day at the Lakeshore Teachers' College

A Day at the Lakeshore Teachers' College
A Mystery at Humber College

A Mystery at Humber College
Two Perspectives on the Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital
Soundscape Series Credits
Production Credits
All soundscapes are written and produced by Maranda Tippins
Voices - Lakeshore Teachers' College
Voice of Marie by Tiana Kralj
Voice of Narrator & Teacher by Maranda Tippins
Voices - Humber College
Voice of Benjamin by Phillip Goodchild
Voice of Narrator by Maranda Tippins
Voices - Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital
Voice of Anthony by Phillip Goodchild
Voice of Jean by Tiana Kralj
Voice of Narrator by Maranda Tippins
Image Credits - Lakeshore Teachers' College
The images in the video are from the Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre’s Collection and Ron Pickford.
Image Credits - Humber College
The historical images in the video are from the Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre’s Collection, and Humber College’s Digital Archives Collection. For a full list of the Humber College Digital Archive photographs used in the video, see the description below the YouTube video. The film stills in this video are from Police Academy (1984) produced by the Ladd Company and distributed by Warner Bros.
Image Credits - Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital
The historical images in the video are from the Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre’s Collection. The images of the European Starlings are from the Creative Commons database, under the Creative Commons 0 Licence. For a full list of European Starling images used in the video, see the description below the YouTube video.
Sound Credits
Each soundscape uses many sounds from Freesound, at times modified for use in this project. All sounds are under the Creative Commons 0 Licence. For a full list of the sounds used in each soundscape, see the description below the relevant YouTube video.
Research Sources - Teachers' College
City of Toronto (n.d). Fast Facts about the City’s Water Treatment Plants. Retrieved from
Lakeshore 1968, Lakeshore Teachers' College Year Book, 1968. In the collection of the Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre
Ontario Ministry of Education (1994). For the Love of Learning: Volume I: Mandate, Context, Issues Chapter 2: Education and Society. Retrieved from
Thaskala, Lakeshore Teachers' College Year Book, 1969. In the collection of the Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre
Various Documents from the Archives of Ontario.
Research Sources - Humber College
Cumberland House (n.d.) Retrieved from
Humber 50th Anniversary Timeline. (2016). Retrieved from
Humber Board of Governors selects the name ‘Humber’ (2016). Retrieved from
Humber College Career Guide 1983-4: Mechanical (Solar) Engineering Technology, Reference Code: ON00423 RG-RG1-RG1A-RG1A.83.
Humber Libraries Archive – Humber Digital Archives Documents – Lakeshore Coven October 1983 Volume 4, Number 3, Lakeshore Coven November 1983 Volume 4, Number 9.
Lakeshore 1 Campus (2016). Retrieved from
Theatre Etobicoke (n.d.). Retrieved from
The Birth of Humber College (2016). Retrieved from
The Jean Tweed Centre (n.d.). Retrieved from
The Power House Colonel Samuel Smith Park Toronto, Ontario [PDF]. (n.d.). Toronto: Taylor Hazell Architects Ltd.
Wilson, H. (Director). (1984). Police Academy [Motion picture]. Warner Bros.
Zimmermann, K. A. (2017, June 30). Lake Ontario Facts. Retrieved from
Additional research support for this soundscape was graciously provided by the Humber Archives team.
Research Sources - Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital
All About Birds. (n.d.). European Starling. Retrieved from
City of Toronto. (n.d.). Assembly Hall. Retrieved August 21, 2020, from
Mimico Asylum Patients. (1893, August 31). The Globe Toronto.
Ontario Legislative Assembly. (1894). Ontario Sessional Papers, 26, Part 5(26-31). doi: